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We believe that there is only one living God, the Infinite Spirit, Creator, Sustainer, and Sovereign Ruler of all things, eternally existing, and revealing Himself in three Persons as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each with distinct personal attributes and functions but without division, perfectly equal in nature, essence, and being. (Deuteronomy 4:39; 6:4,5; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 46:9; Matthew 28:19; I Corinthians 8:6; Revelation 4:11)

"...look on the fields..."  John 4:35

JOIN US     


Morning Worship ............. 11:00 AM


Wednesday Bible Study .... 7:00 PM


PO Box 7093

Greensboro, North Carolina 27407



Rev. Robert F. Kurtz, Pastor



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